Get To Know EternaShine
Introducing “Player’s Kit”
Demonstrate how to use “Player’s Kit”
Result for use with acoustic guitar
About Product

EternaShine is a product for removing scratches on guitar finishes which produced by a company that has pioneered the removal of traces on instrument surfaces for more than ten years. This product is not just a scratch remover for guitar finishes but a complete polishing innovation in one package. It is gentle enough to use on your guitar and bass finishes.
The guitar polish concept at EternaShine came after working with the usual guitar polishes that cleaned and removed a few tiny blemishes but did not do much else. The company decided it was time for a superior product for all guitar owners, by doing both removing scratches completely from the surface and restores the surface to maintain its luster. A real finish restorer that didn’t require a new paint job.
Many other polishes are mostly water and cleaner that provides a light polish without erasing scratches. Some polishes are too weak, or contain harsh abrasives. EternaShine is gentle but effective, designed to work on high gloss guitars whether it’s a quick clean-up, or a more complete finish restore. Safe even on delicate finishes.
EternaShine's specialty
EternaShine’s Player’s Kit scratch remover is a polish that does not contain waxes or fillers. The liquid refines the finish of your guitar using micro-particles that help fade scratches and blemishes. It is safe and effective, even with repeated use for severe scratches. This product is loved by guitar shops and guitarists all over the world.
In addition to the Player’s Kit, EternaShine also offers the Guitar Detail Spray for common surface stains. End the process with a surface coating to maintain the luster with Guitar Spray Wax, which used to coat the finish of the guitar to make it look like new always.
However, removing scratches on the surface, cleaning or waxing on the finish of your favorite guitar, you definitely want quality cleaning wipes along with it. EternaShine offers two types of microfiber wipes that can smoothly help you polish, clean and wax your glossy finish. The towels are made with high quality microfiber that trap dust and dirt which do not stick to the surface of the material and does not scratch the surface of the material at all.

If you need a towel for general purpose, the Regular Microfiber Towel can be of great help to you. If you want a towel with extra thick, special ribbed edges, the Plush Microfiber Towel is your answer. In addition, we recommend the Player’s Kit Pro as a great value bundle that offers all your needs in one package. You can find more details on the product page.

EternaShine vs. Other Products
When comparing EternaShine scratch removers with other manufacturers’ scratch removers and any cleaners or varnishes, it can be seen that the products of EternaShine give good results in many areas such as ease of use, effective without leaving any traces or stains on the finishes. Including being safe to use, due to the components do not contain silicone and harsh chemicals. This allows the liquid to not damage the delicate surface of the guitar.
In terms of results from use, EternaShine scratch removers also deliver impressive results. It can permanently remove common scratches. It can also remove swirl marks on the surface and remove dull marks that make the guitar surface look darker than it really is, which cannot be found in ordinary scratch removal products.
When compared to a car polishing, which many users apply to the guitar finishes, it can be seen that the liquid for car polishing can be cleaned in general. However, it is not recommended to be used continuously or for a long period of time. This is because car polish contains quite a strong ingredient, which is harmful to the delicate surface of the guitar. It is also dangerous to users as well.
EternaShine products are easy to use. Just use the product along with a microfiber cloth, then use your hands to rub the surface of the guitar to remove any dirt or traces. Safely clean, polish and restore the surface of the guitar without the need for other aids or masking the prying eyes. This scratch remover is suitable for high gloss finishes. You can find out more about the finishes that can be used in the next section.
Frequently Ask Questions (FAQs)
Why is this product different?
EternaShine is made by a highly innovative guitar polish company. A decade ago this company pioneered the first real guitar scratch remover polish that went further than other guitar polishes ever could. Introducing the Player’s Kit! The best polishing kit ever. Because polishing is our focus, our goal is to make your finish look the best at all times.
Does this stuff really work? Is it easy to use?
The answer is YES! This product works to remove surface scratches on your high gloss (glossy) guitar finish (not including deep scratches). It also removes other surface blemishes bringing your finish back to life. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Safe to use, too. It’s easy to do and the entire process is done by hand. Just firmly rub it on and wipe it off on high gloss finishes. No special knowledge or tools required. Some guitars and scratches will require more firm rubbing and repeated applications.Full instructions are included.
What does 'removing a scratch' mean?
Scratch removal is permanent elimination of a scratch from view or minimizing its appearance. Polishing smoothes and fades the scratch. Light surface scuffs and swirls literally wipe away in seconds. Slightly deeper scratches are usually diminished in appearance until they are invisible.
This product is not like other products sold in the market?
No, our ingredients and processes are different. Our product is more gentle than typical scratch removers so you won’t wreck your surface, yet incredibly effective. The Player’s Kit is a dual-blend polish set, not just a cleaner and polish; this is important for polishing effectiveness and real restoration. According to the tests and customer feedback, better results are seen. Customers say the product out-performs the others in a big way.
So how does it work and how will I fix scratches on my guitar?
Your polish will include full instructions and tips. The process is simple, done without tools and done in just minutes. The polish functions on high gloss clear-coated finishes by working and resurfacing those trouble areas at the microscopic level. The scratches are smoothed out becoming less visible with each polishing motion. In the past a polish that attempted this could scratch your finish because it had to be strong enough to work out the scratch. Not anymore! Thanks to the latest micro-technology and break-through ingredients, our polishes will amaze you by removing many scratches and blemishes before your eyes.
How is this product stored and how long does it last?
Keep in a cool, dry environment out of direct sun, w/instructions. Product guaranteed fresh for one year; many users will experience much longer shelf life. If stored/not in use you may squeeze excess air out of bottles to prolong and prevent dry-out. Do not use if dried out. Keep from freezing. If frozen, thaw to room temperature.
Is it safe to use on my precious instrument, any harsh chemicals?
Totally safe when used as directed and no harsh chemicals or fumes; the polishes are environmentally friendly and silicone-free. Follow the detailed directions and you will never damage your finish EternaShine! Whether it’s Fender, Gibson, Gretsch, Taylor, Martin, Ibanez, Epiphone, Jackson, and other big name factory guitars, you are good to go on your high gloss finish! It is safe even on vintage electrics. Works on classical and bass guitars, too. High gloss finishes only. Not for unfinished wood or areas without a high gloss clear-coated finish.
Lacquer, poly, nitrocellulose (nitro) guitar finishes, thin nitro, all okay?
These high gloss guitar and bass finishes are safe to polish and it’s ok to use any of our products. Even thin nitro finishes are fine to polish (note that thin finishes are a bit more delicate than a standard finish, use care).Lots of high-end guitars like Martin, Gibson Les Paul & Fender Stratocasters can have a nitrocellulose lacquer finish. Our products are completely safe to use on these high gloss finishes. Works on high gloss drums, too! Just follow the separate instruction sheet included with each order.
Will my guitar's tone or finish be altered or worse after using this polish?
Guitar tone is completely unaffected by our products! The finish will actually look better. It is not a filler, a cover up, so results you get will last. Safe even on high-end instruments, expect great results.
How can I tell if my guitar has a high-gloss finish?
Finishes that are glossy or high gloss show sharp, crisp reflections and have a reflective shine. Most guitars are high gloss. Matte, satin, or semi-gloss won’t show crisp reflections. About 95% of guitars today are high-gloss finishes and therefore compatible with EternaShine.
What happens if I polish a matte or satin finish, or unfinished neck?
Most guitars are high gloss, but a small minority of guitars have matte satin body finishes which are non-gloss or low gloss. There are two types: 1) The majority of matte/satin guitar finishes are simply dulled high gloss finishes, or finishes not buffed to full gloss at the factory giving a duller, flat finish: if you have this finish that is dulled gloss, polishing will permanently make it glossy. This is generally true whether it is a polyurethane or nitrocellulose finish. Since this is a permanent change, we do not officially recommend polishing matte finishes. Doing so is at your own risk. 2) An even smaller group of matte finishes are actually oil, varnish/stain, or bare paint. These should not be polished. Many are thin, fragile and have no clear top coat so they can’t withstand polishes or cleaners of any type, including some necks. If you have a matte or satin finish, follow manufacturer instructions for care.
Will your polish remove every scratch and problem?
It depends on the condition of your instrument. Basically, if your finish looks better after you used the product, then it worked. Yet some scratches are deeper than they appear and may not improve much. Newer guitars with minimal scratches usually clean up nicely. If your guitar is badly scratched all over, it may not look like new again. Keep in mind the product is designed for light to medium scratches. Most of these issues clear up within a few minutes of polishing. If you have to polish the same area repeatedly for more than 5-10 minutes and the scratch issue persists, stop and contact the manufacturer for advice as your finish problem may be beyond what polishing can address.
Can I use a towel or old t-shirt to polish my guitar, or a guitar cloth?
Plain cotton can scratch the guitar. Even a guitar detailing cloth or a regular guitar polishing cloth can scratch your guitar. The best choice is a microfiber cloth. Because this type of fabric is soft. There are microfibers in the fabric that help clean surfaces and don’t leave marks.
What kind of damage will this product fix/not fix?
It WILL fix or improve the appearance of most: common light-to-medium surface scratches and blemishes, pick and swirl marks, sticker residue, recent ink or marker stains, and certain chemical damage. Lighter scratches typically vanish from view. Deeper scratches may not improve. This product WILL NOT correct or repair cracks, chips, dings (dents), scratches or damage from sharp impact or drops, nor any worn out or faded finishes. The good news is that most scratches reside on the surface and are of the lighter type. More good news – pretty much any guitar or bass will see improvement, many are completely restored to scratch-free appearance. Some deeper scratches “soften” in appearance and look better. (If your fingernail can go into the scratch, consider that a deeper scratch).
I damaged my finish with a competitor's product! Can yours help?
Usually, the answer is ‘yes’ this product will usually undo or correct finish damage done by other harsh products or abrasive polishes, depending on the severity. For this reason, you should not use automotive products or compounds on your guitar!
Can I use your products as well as a competitor's product together?
Yes, but do not mix them together in application. If you are going to wax your guitar, it’s best to do that last, after you’ve polished & restored the finish. Also, if you have used other scratch remover products on your guitar, they may have damaged, coated, or chemically changed your finish making more polishing less effective. This is rare but can happen depending on the competitor and guitar. Some products, including wax, can make guitars resistant to future polishing.
Any instruments I can't use this on? What about some of the new 'worn' or 'faded' finishes by Gibson and Fender?
If your guitar is high gloss, you can use all of products. This includes all major brands like Fender, Gibson, Taylor, Martin, PRS, Ibanez, Jackson, etc – these are all fine to polish. There are a few exceptions: Some Rickenbacker models are not compatible with polishing, but you can use wax. Many violins should not be polished regardless of finish luster, including oil or shellac coatings. Most orchestra instruments should not be polished; seek brass polishes, oils, and cleaners for them. Follow manufacturer instructions on your instrument. Avoid non-gloss surfaces. A few companies are making new guitars like guitars of yesteryear with a “soft gloss”. This includes the Gibson VOS line. Some Gibson Les Paul “worn” finishes or Fender’s Worn 50s Telecaster even have wear marks & missing finish straight from the factory to appear used. Because these are made to look worn or have no glossy finish, it is not recommended to polish them. You can use the product on any other high gloss guitars by Fender and Gibson. Other stringed instruments besides guitars and basses: some have special sensitive finishes, therefore you would need to check with their manufacturer for care instructions before polishing. The detail cleaning sprays and wax CAN be used on any guitar – but avoid unfinished wood or neck areas without a high gloss finish. If your guitar has artwork and logos these must be well under the clearcoat, and most are. (Note that the vast majority (about 95%) of guitars are high gloss and can be polished regularly)
What about the polishes the big guitar polish companies make?
Most aren’t bad general purpose polishes, but are not made to remove scratches. A variety contain silicone which is some people consider to avoid in guitar polish. Most of these polishes just clean the surface and remove dust. Even swirl removers don’t remove much else. EternaShine’s polishes focus on scratch and problem removal, and keeping your guitar looking new as long as possible. The polishes use the best ingredients and design team. The formulation of the polishes is unique and also quite expensive, a process the big companies aren’t looking to take on.
I've heard silicone should be avoided. Does your polish contain silicone?
No silicone! Many guitar enthusiasts and repair shop avoid silicone. While it technically is not harmful for your finish (many industry polishes and waxes contain silicone) it can be a little more work to clean and remove in the rare event you decide to strip and repaint your guitar, and most people will never need to do that. For these reasons though we are happy to report the polishes are silicone-free.
Why haven't I heard about this product before?
Thanks to thousands of customers, if you do a Google internet search about removing guitar scratches, you will find EternaShine at the top of the results. Also, this might be the first time you’ve searched for a guitar scratch remover. There are many good reviews about the product online, guitar blogs; about great results people are getting.The technology behind the polishes is relatively new, so you would not have heard of this product over ten years ago. Although, the product are quickly gaining popularity and are not a brand new company, the company haven’t been around as long as some of the older companies. The polishes are safe and advanced. We believe we offer the best products available for polishing guitars and removing scratches, especially the Player’s Kits. We deliver all over Thailand. Moreover, you can inquire to become a dealer in Thailand and the ASEAN region.